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Being Lead By The Spirit

Being Lead By The Spirit

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When we hear God’s voice we have a choice to listen and obey or ignore and turn away. It’s uncomfortable at times and scary even to step out and take a risk, but it’s always worth it. Practice hearing Him daily in the small things so that you will be ready when He asks you to take a bigger step.

May we learn to lay down our lives and agenda for Him and trust His ways.

Mathew 10:39 ”All who seek to live apart from me will lose it all. But those who let go of their lives for my sake and surrender it all to me will discover true life!“

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10‬:‭39‬ ‭TPT‬‬


I struggled so hard with comparison and I really doubted myself. But God showed me that being unique and having my own style was a gift and that I could trust the process of being an artist. I needed to embrace who He made me to be and not think He made a mistake. Be kind to yourself as you step out grow in new areas. As my dear mentor Pat Bruner always says, “It’s not pass or fail but learn and grow.”



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